

Cogeneration or CHP (Combined Heat and Power) solutions from Arilco are designed to generate both heat and power allowing to increase overall plant efficiency up to 90% and even more.

How does it work?

Arilco CHP systems use the waste heat created during an engine’s operation to generate overall plant efficiencies of more than 90%. This efficient and economical method of energy conversion achieves primary energy savings of roughly 40% by using a gas engine cogeneration system instead of separate power and heat generation equipment. Transportation and distribution losses also are reduced or eliminated as the decentralized energy supply is aligned where it is needed.


Cogeneration systems can be supplemented with a boiler system for bridging peak heat demand periods. The connection of a heat storage medium makes it possible to increase system operating time and efficiency.

Power plant electrical switch and control systems distribute electricity and manage the engine, while hydraulic equipment ensures heat distribution. Generated power is used by a facility or fed into the public power grid.

The thermal energy can be used to generate heating water and steam production as well as for various types of process heat.

Gas engine cogeneration systems also are used for CO2 fertilization in greenhouses and trigeneration systems (combined generation of heat, cooling and power).